COVID-19 Update
In light of the recent easing of the state’s COVID-19 restrictions, at Peters Patchin & Monaghan we are once again able to fully attend to your Estate Planning and Probate needs.
Depending on your preference, we are able to handle meetings via telephone, on-line, or face-to-face here at our office.
If you prefer the face-to-face option, we will continue with these protective measures for your safety and ours:
- We routinely clean our meeting areas after each client meeting to keep all surfaces free of viral and other health threats,
- Our staff and attorneys wash their hands or use hand sanitizer after every meeting during the day,
Please don’t hesitate to call us at 208-939-2600 to set up an appointment, or you can use our “Schedule Now” option, on our Home , to arrange an appointment at your convenience.